My twit

Sunday, June 12, 2011


Life is like a train. I bought tickets and set off for journeys I have chosen for myself.

The train keeps running toward, carries me from places to places, leave behind things that I have unconsciously forgot. Those are things that hurt, things that content. I was a passenger sitting by the window, looking out at a picture of the outside world that does not stop changing. Relationship revolves around at the same speed. People come. People change. People leave. I come across my own reflection on the window grass. A feeling of nostalgia grows inside me slowly but strongly. I suddenly realize the absence of somebody in my life, somebody important. I can now see the hole that person has left. The longing for the past makes me anxious, sad and tremble.

I hurriedly get off the train, looking back to find the little girl I used to be just to realize another thing. She has gone forever.

                                                                                                                California summer 2011