My twit

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Be present

Senior Speech
Ali Maricich
December 4, 2009

The air was cool. The lake silent and the noise from my big knee brace was a faint click, as my dear friend Rosie and I started on our way down to the beach to spend the night. Rosie and I often find ourselves in the position of memory making. It is not that we try but we have one of those relationships that effortlessly puts those experiences in front of us. As we rolled out our sleeping bags, we found ourselves talking about the choices we make everyday and how those choices make an impact on us. The conversation wound back and forth between IB schools, friends, boys, food and family but ultimately we ended where we started, the choice we have to create moments for ourselves.

I realize that my relationship with Rosie is not exactly the same as my relationship with VVS. Sometimes I have to try to make things happen here. And other times opportunities are created effortlessly and living in the present purely is.

I have had the great privilege to spend two years at Verde Valley School. I have created friends and moments that cannot be replaced. I am spending time and space with Sarah Jane, with whom I went to preschool school. We used to run around naked in her house and play dress up, now we laugh and paint together. Jazz and I have been friends since fourth grade and still she makes me laugh harder then anyone. Though Charlie is a close second. Meme I will always remember the first time we talked in my room leaving nothing unsaid. Sam Kim, every time I walk pass you, you never fail to acknowledge me and make me giggle. Jordyn, I know that wherever life takes you, you will flourish and shine. Paula, I have shared more than music with you but often I can’t help but think of Modest Mouse.
“Sight is just a window from the room we're bound to. If you find a way out, Oh would you just let me know how.” – Modest Mouse

Lannie, my gluten-free sister. Power to the rice bread. Bryce, “I tell you, those voices soared higher and farther than anybody in a gray place dares to dream. It was like some beautiful bird flapped into our drab little cage and made those walls dissolve away, and for the briefest of moments, every last man in Shawshank felt free.” Sam, my love, I am going to miss you so much. Keep living the revolution! Hanson, you always make me smile and I will never tire of your singing to me along with you and Tom’s entertainment. Katja, you are an amazing girl and I know that life will bring all that you wish of it. Ashley, we have many more early meditations ahead of us! Karel, your mannerisms will always stay with me. Zach Shed, Wanna come home? Katie, you’re so mild, but I have to say I thoroughly enjoy it and hope that you will stay in my life a long time to come. Julia, I love you so much and no matter how our views differ, the fact that we can sit and listen to each other and come out the other side with complete communication means more than I can explain. You are so dam logical yet so spirited. Hannah you silly girl. I would make some crazy noises and perhaps a little jig but those actions are beyond how much you mean to me. Rosie you motivated me in the first place. To those who I have not mentioned I would fail if I did not acknowledge your presence in my life for which you have retained.

I believe that being a teacher, no matter what form or degree, be it history or dance, is one of the most rewarding and powerful vocations. I am deeply grateful and honored to have had the privileged to make the most amazing of moments with my teachers: The moment of learning. They have given me the gift of loving to learn and this has leaked out from the classroom to my view of the world. Just remember one is always the teacher and always the students and it is worthwhile to observe those moments in your life.

What I wish people to leave with today is knowledge that anything is possible. That life is today. Not when one becomes a senior nor when one finally gets to college, but now. Every moment is an opportunity to make one’s life the way one wants it. Create, live, love, laugh and be Present.