My twit

Friday, October 23, 2009

There has been lots of things happening.

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Friday night

Spin and sway

I got two tardy for biology class in a week
I am still trying however I feel like I am losing something, somebody

It was a hard week for Angel. I know he was stressed out with his homework too. I don't know what to do except for asking for him sometimes.

Jill has turned her relationship status to single. That was strange. There must be something that happened last night. She broke up with her boyfriend? Recently, I haven't talked to her much. In the morning, she asked Hans if she could hand in the draft the next day. She didn't finish it in time. That was not normal of her. I should ask for her but I don't know how.

I should have called Angel back when I saw him going back to dorm after dinner. I wanted to talk to a friend.

The quad was empty. Dark. Cold. Angel. Something breaks down heavily in the air. The atmosphere was so heavy although no one was there. It was hard to explain what exactly it was. People are indifferent.

Forest is really a good teacher. I like him. He walked by the library twice and talked to me a little. Just a little but it made me feel better

Brady Hall_spin and sway
I has finished my draft movie critique

Thursday, October 8, 2009

"Just one last dance"

I like dancing. It's true. However I don't have enough confidence to go further. It's a sad true. I hope I will someday.

After Latin dance class which lasted only 45 minutes today, I went to see Daisy recording her voice. I liked it. "Listen" and "Just one last dance", the songs she sang were so beautifully and of course she had a very nice voice. She will leave next year. Diona will leave too. They said that it was just normal things here. However you must confess that an empty hole appears inside when somebody you love goes away. You can't do nothing but let them go the way they choose. That's their lives and your life is here. It's now.

I wasn't late for breakfast but unluckily I was late for biology class.

Forest has been back today. Oh yeah! After the period of swine flu, many other students are back too. I am not sick at all. xD

It was a horrible day. I wanna cry but I just don't want to. "Ly" that's my real name. I just love it so much. I want to keep it for my close friends here to call me. I don't like other call me by that name.

Lie and honesty. The way we lie is so obvious

After lunch. I walked to the studio art. Angel was there, drawing. I didn't see him at lunch in the dinning hall today. He must have been there during lunch. However he said that he had eaten already. I like the studio art. I feel very comfortable being there, painting. Light from a lamp above me brightens one corner of the room. There, I can forget all sorrow, just keep painting. There, I have someone willing to stay with me all the time. Angel, he was so nice to people, so kind to me. He makes me smile too. (: He is a good boy.

I was the only one that showed up for work job today. Had a nice talk with Mrs Beans
Cedric had a good smile

Ginny tried to teach me how to pronounce Diona real name "Xu Xie He" properly. I finally got it at dinner. However, it is still hard for me to pronounce sometime

Sunny kept playing with my laptop. He wanted to make some fun video for Diona. He really likes her, undoubtedly.

It's not polite when you jump into people's conversation. At least it's not nice in my opinion. I always wait for people to finish their talk so that I start my turn. This is the reason why I seem to be passive. Some people can make people do things for them easily. However, I am different, I have to ask for it. Sometimes, I am kind of a third person. When she came, I left as I am afraid of being left behind. She was like that just because she doesn't want to be left alone I guess. I think I understand that.

"Just one last dance
Before we say goodbye
When we sway and turn round and round and round
It's just like the first time
Just one last chance
hold me tight and keep me warm
cause the night is getting cold
and I don't know where I belong
Just one last dance..."